David Highbloom Touts the Importance of Comfort and Joy in Today’s CSX Climate

Customer service experience teams spend a considerable amount of time focused on efficiencies of service and plenty of metrics to calculate efficiencies. With today’ technological advance, CSX leaders know exactly how long customers are engaged with team members and how much time they spend on a company’s website. David Highbloom, a 25-year entrepreneur with extensive leadership experience in business models that accentuate the customer service experience, says the experience of joy found within a customer service interaction gets far less attention and shouldn’t be simply shrugged off as magic or mystery.

Capturing an engaged and joyful customer experience is more art than science. It requires empathy, personality, and customer service experience representative that loves their job. There is nothing more attractive than interacting with a person who truly loves and enjoys what they do. This is how you keep and attract new customers to your business. In most cases of human interaction, people tend to forget what you said ordid, but they usually never forget how you made them feel. When somebody is left with a good feeling following an interaction, they are likely to tell others of their experience.

How can a customer service experience leader measure joy? How can they train team members in the art of a joyful interaction? Well, most likely, they cannot, but there are ways to connect the dots from a metric-driven business world to a satisfying professional environment and experience. Highbloom points out that modest investments that directly affect customer service experience teams can yield significant dividends in a relatively short period.

The first is to lead teams from the same playing field. This means leading by example and spending time in the proverbial trenches with team members. Earning respect and reciprocating is one of the most important actions a leader can take to creating a satisfying work environment. As a leader, focus on your team and let the team focus on the customers. With too much focus and reliance on data, calculations, and reports, we become detached fromthe importance of each customer interaction.